Sunday, May 22, 2016

Call of Duty Black Ops III: DLC 1 Awakening

          Hey guys, JB here. Today I will be branching out and doing a review of an add-on for the new Call of Duty. The Call of duty game is required to use this DLC (Downloadable Content).

Multiplayer Maps:

          There are 4 multiplayer maps and they are: Skyjacked (Remake of hijacked from BO2), Splash, Gauntlet, and Rise. Skyjacked is the almost exact copy of its predecessor Hijacked. It is one of my favorite maps and I actually prefer it to NUK3TOWN, as it's called in BO3. Splash is a somewhat large map with lots of water. The setting is and abandoned waterpark. Gauntlet is an abandoned military training facility where the three lanes of the map are three different terrains. They are a rainy urban city, a jungle, and an arctic biome. Finally, we come to Rise, a research campus on the outskirts of Zurich. Each section of the map offers distinctly different types of gameplay.

Zombies Map:

The Zombies map in Awakening is called Der Eisendrache and is actually really fun. There are plenty of buildables such as a bow and a shield. It's very complex, but once you learn the map it becomes easier. Also, it's a bit hard to set up, but once you do, it gets easier to play. Tip: if you go prone in front of the perk machines, you get a bonus 100 points. Only one person per machine can do it, so either don't tell your team or say that the person who opened the last door should get it. It's 700 points total (I think. If Der Wonderfizz also works then 800), which is almost enough for a box hit and to cover the KRM.
Overall I think DLC Awakening is a legit DLC. It's worth $15 bucks or if you bought the season pass, it 's worth that too.

Cost: $15 or $12.50 if you bought the season pass.
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4
JB's rating: 4.5/5

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rare Replay

Rare replay is a game consisting of retro games for the Xbox One. This will be a quick review of a pretty self-explanatory game. Most kids won't recognize these games, but your parents might.

Rare Replay consists of 30 games such as:

Jetpac, Atic Atac, Lunar Jetman, Sabre Wulf, Underwurlde,Knight Lore, Gunfright, Slalom, R.C.Pro-Am, Battletoads (NES), Cobra Triangle, Snake Rattle N Roll, Digger T. Rock, Solar Jetman, R.C. Pro-Am II, Battletoads Arcade, Killer Instinct Gold, Blast Corps, Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Tooie, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo: Elements of Power, Viva Piñata, Jetpac Refuelled, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, and Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. They are all very fun and this game is only $30 from Gamestop. I highly recommend picking it up.

JB's Rating: 8/10
Platform: Xbox One
Cost: New: $29.99 Pre-Owned: $24.99

Forza Motorsport 6

Hey guys. I apologize for not posting in a while, so I'm going to do a few quite rapidly. This one is on a game I quite like for the Xbox One. It's quite different from the usual FPS game I'd be reviewing. Here it is.

Forza Motorsport 6, which I will be referring to as Forza 6, is a racing game were you can race other people or computer-controlled opponents. There is extremely realistic graphics and the interior of the cars is detailed to the point of fans on the AC controls. This game also hasn't glitched in the first few months I've had it. It also is a nice break from killing and blowing up stuff in Call of Duty. My dad likes it, my sister likes it, I like it, it's definitely a game for all ages. Definitely worth the $60 they're charging at Gamestop

JB's rating: 9.5/10
Platform: Xbox One
Cost: New: $59.99 Pre-Owned: $54.99
Link to site:,28zu0   (Scroll down a bit)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Time Surfers

    Hey guys, JB here. Today I'm reviewing Time Surfer, an app that I've been wanted to get for a while, but now it's free, so it's a great excuse to get it. Let's hop right in.

       Time Surfer is a 2D game where you try and avoid the end of the world. The only way to do this is by rewinding time and diving. When I say diving, I mean shooting to the ground when flying through the air. however, if you aren't flying through the air, it also helps to dive when going down hills. Also, you can only rewind time so much. There also are 4 modes, Time Surfer, which is a mix of all of them, Holiday Hills, which is a set course where you have to complete it in a certain amount of time, Hell Zone, where it has lots of spikes and gaps, and The Kepler Run, where there are lots of asteroids. You can also take a pet with you, and gain different powers. Overall, this game has solid coding and hasn't glitched in the month I've had it.

Platforms: Mobile
JB's Rating: 8/10


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Star Battlefront

      Hey, guys. JB here. In this blog, I will be reviewing Star Wars Battlefront 3. If you didn't know, this is the second remake of the 2004 first/third person shooter Star Wars Battlefront. Let's hop right into it.

      As I mentioned, Star Wars Battlefront (Which I will be calling SWB from now on) is a first and third person shooter. This basically means if you are playing as Darth Vader, you can either be looking over his shoulder or seeing out of his eyes. (Third and First person). Examples of FPS include the Halo saga, the Call of Duties, and Battlefield. Third Person shooters include Gears of War, Grand Theft Auto, and the Hitman series. There are many different modes, and most of which I have not explored. I really like SWB, and a very solid game overall. If you are interested in buying this game, it is $55 pre-owned from,28zu0. The first listing is the season pass, so scroll down a bit. You also should watch all the movies. Gameplay is fantastic, and all the guns are well balanced.

JB's Rating: 9/10

Platforms: Xbox One, Playstation 4, PC

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bloons Tower Defense 5

Bloons Tower Defense is obviously a tower defense game, which means you place different towers with different abilities to try and stop a type of enemy from getting off the track. There isn't much to say, so let's hop right in.

In Bloons (yes, that is how you spell it) Tower Defense 5, you buy different towers to try to stop balloons from getting into the monkey villages. All the towers are monkey-themed. The tower balance is terrible, but that's the idea. every balloon popped grants you one point, and to buy a tower, you spend points. You can buy special agents with monkey money, which is obtained by purchase or track completion. I can't say much because it is a fundamental game.

JB's Rating: 8.5/10

Platforms: PC

Halo 5

Hey guys, JB here. This is the fifth game in the Halo series which is owned by Microsoft ( and partially developed by 343) , which means that Halo is only available on the Xbox consoles. If you haven't seen or played Halo before, you are a super soldier, or Spartan IV, and you wear a super suit of armor. You stand at over 7.5 feet tall, can run up to 60 KPH and have many augmentations that allow you to operate the armor. Your Artificial Intelligence unit has reached the end of her operational "life". That's all I'm giving away about her. You have been reunited with you old squadron titled Blue squad.

This game is another excellent installment in the Halo series that includes a campaign and multiplayer. It also includes "The Flood", or a zombies-like mode. The campaign is unparalleled and the multiplayer is pretty good too. There is a new currency called REQ points which allow you to purchases weapons or vehicles to use in-game. You cannot buy REQ points, so this system is completely fair. There isn't much bad to say about Halo, except this new game is only on the Xbox One. This is my favorite Halo game so far and my favorite game overall. Weapon balance is excellent and now all weapons have a scope. There is minimal human blood and it is truly awesome to play this game.

ESRB's Rating: T for teen, or 13+
JB's rating: 10/10. 'Nuff said
Platforms: Xbox One

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

        Hey, guys. This is JB. I apologize for not blogging in a while, but today I will be churning out quite a few blogs. I have been gifted an Xbox One over Christmas, so I will be doing a few Xbox game reviews. Today's first will be on the new Call of Duty. If you do not know, Call of Duty (CoD) is an FPS (First Person Shooter) game franchise owned by Activision. Every year, Activision releases a new CoD featuring a guest studio. Treyarch made this game, and a few other alternating guests are Sledgehammer games and Infinity Ward.

     Call of Duty: Black ops 3 (which I will now refer to BO3) is a futuristic shooter that takes place after CoD: Advanced Warfare. BO3's gimmick is that you are a soldier with a Direct Neural Interface in you head. This allows you to hack and remotely operate things in the campaign. BO3 allows you to remove some of the graphic content like most of the blood, gore, swearing, and potentially disturbing scenes. It can get pretty bad, so I would recommend turning the filter on if you are more squeamish. In multiplayer, you now have augmentations allowing you to slide, boost jump, and wall run. There is also new Specialists which each have an ability and a weapon. The balace is excellent and there is no "God Gun" like previous CoDs. You can now buy CoD points, which are the in-game currency to buy supply drops and new things for zombies called "Gobblegum" this for a time gives you a buff to allow you to kill more zombies quicker. Nightmare zombies is back and a new mode titled Freerun allows you to get comfortable with the new movement abilities before going into multiplayer.

 The ESRB has rated CoD: BO3 M for mature for mature or 17+
I give this game a 9.7/10
Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstaion 3, Playstaion 4, PC
Note that map packs and other DLCs will come out 30 days earlier on the Playstation consoles