Hey guys, it's JB. Today I will be reviewing Bethesda Studios' Fallout Shelter. In Fallout Shelter, you are the Overseer of a vault, which is basically a giant bunker. In the Xbox game, you learn that these were built in case of a nuclear war. In Fallout Shelter, this has obviously happened and you, as the Overseer, are trying to keep everyone in your vault alive and happy for as long as possible. There are 3 different resources in Fallout Shelter, and they are power, food, and water. Without power, your vault will shut down and your rooms won't make any resources. Without water, your dwellers will start to get radiation poisoning, and without food they will slowly lose health until they die. Some other resources are Stim-Paks and Rad-Aways. Stim-Paks can be used to heal a dweller, and Rad-Aways can be used to stop radiation poisoning. The way to start producing these resources is to assign dwellers to rooms to produce them. Some dwellers are better at certain rooms than others, as indicated by their S.P.E.C.I.A.L score. There are two main currencies, and those are Caps and Nuka-Cola Quantum. Nuka-Cola Quantum is used to speed things up, and Caps are used to buy said things. You can also send Dwellers out into the Wasteland to fight enemies, collect loot, and gain experience. There are things called lunch boxes, which are the "Mystery Boxes" of
the game. There is only 2 ways to get them; buying them with actual money, and getting them from missions. As you can see, this game can get really complicated, but if you can manage the chaos, this game is worth it.
JB's Rating: 7/10
Developer: Bethesda Studios
Platform: Mobile
Data: No
In-App purchases: Yes
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