Sunday, February 21, 2016

Time Surfers

    Hey guys, JB here. Today I'm reviewing Time Surfer, an app that I've been wanted to get for a while, but now it's free, so it's a great excuse to get it. Let's hop right in.

       Time Surfer is a 2D game where you try and avoid the end of the world. The only way to do this is by rewinding time and diving. When I say diving, I mean shooting to the ground when flying through the air. however, if you aren't flying through the air, it also helps to dive when going down hills. Also, you can only rewind time so much. There also are 4 modes, Time Surfer, which is a mix of all of them, Holiday Hills, which is a set course where you have to complete it in a certain amount of time, Hell Zone, where it has lots of spikes and gaps, and The Kepler Run, where there are lots of asteroids. You can also take a pet with you, and gain different powers. Overall, this game has solid coding and hasn't glitched in the month I've had it.

Platforms: Mobile
JB's Rating: 8/10


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Star Battlefront

      Hey, guys. JB here. In this blog, I will be reviewing Star Wars Battlefront 3. If you didn't know, this is the second remake of the 2004 first/third person shooter Star Wars Battlefront. Let's hop right into it.

      As I mentioned, Star Wars Battlefront (Which I will be calling SWB from now on) is a first and third person shooter. This basically means if you are playing as Darth Vader, you can either be looking over his shoulder or seeing out of his eyes. (Third and First person). Examples of FPS include the Halo saga, the Call of Duties, and Battlefield. Third Person shooters include Gears of War, Grand Theft Auto, and the Hitman series. There are many different modes, and most of which I have not explored. I really like SWB, and a very solid game overall. If you are interested in buying this game, it is $55 pre-owned from,28zu0. The first listing is the season pass, so scroll down a bit. You also should watch all the movies. Gameplay is fantastic, and all the guns are well balanced.

JB's Rating: 9/10

Platforms: Xbox One, Playstation 4, PC